Thursday, September 15, 2011

what is lemon?

Lemon is quite a common fruit used in our daily meal. But do we really realise that it's really a healthy fruit for our body besides its sour taste?

Health Benefits:
1. Lemon helps in killing bacteria.
2. Fragrance in lemon can help to remove meat's odor and improve meat texture.
3. Lemon helps in preventing heart artery problem or high blood pressure.
4. Lemon contains Citric acid, which improve digestion, and help in dissolving kidney stone.
5. Lemon contain high amount of ascorbic acid, vitamin C, vitamin B complex, other mineral such as iron, copper, and potassium, small level of vitamin A, and other anti-oxidants.

Cooking with Lemon:
1. Beverage: Ice Lemon Tea
- Red tea, Lemon, honey, mix well
2. Beverage: Honey Lemon Juice
3. Beverage: Lemonade
4. Lemon slice can use to garnish salads, or mix little of lemon juice in salad
5. Use lemon juice in preparing seafood/fish for the nice aroma

Extra tips:
1. Mix little of lemon juice during bath, or face washing, or hair shampoo, as the natural skin care.

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