Tuesday, September 20, 2011

New Isetan KLCC Foodmarket: Fresh fruits and Vegetables

In the new KLCC Isetan Food Market, there are lots of new product, especially from Japan, in my previous review such as: Frozen meat and seafood and International Pastry and Cakes.

Everytime you walk in KLCC Isetan Food Market, you will find new and interesting item there. The imported food is from all over the world: Japan, Korean, Australia, US, etc.

Of course you will find affordable food there, but you will find expensive one too.
For example, How much it costs for a pack of Grapes less than 1kg? The most at RM15? Yes, this pack of grape, cost more than RM10, it's from Korea, and it really looks like black color rubber ball.

Korean Grape

But how about a pack of grape imported, of high quality new breed? Double the price? No..It's almost 10 times higher, which means if you buy a pack of this quality new breed imported from Japan, with the same price you can buy more than 10 packs of normal grapes.

New Pione Grape from Japan is sold at RM155 per kilogram. It's black in color. It's round, fresh, in dark black color. I wonder how it tastes.

New Pione Grape from Japan

From the description, the Pione Grape is produced in Okayama Prefecture. It is seedless. It is an improved version of Kyoho, the King of grapes. How it tastes? " The large fruit of the Pione has a rich sweetness and a moderate sour taste."

The other types of grape is called Seto Giant Grape, in green colour. It's sold at RM175 per kilogram. Yes, it is RM133.35 per pack!

Seto Giant Grape from Japan

Seto Giants Grape is produced at Okayama Prefecture too. "Once you start eating, you can't stop"! Wow!

So with the price of a packet of Seto Giants Grape (RM 133.35), you can buy 10 packets of grapes from USA (RM13.01). It really depends on consumers, some look for affordable food, but some look for high quality food.

USA Seedless Grape

That's story of grape. How about others? This Rock Melon priced at RM9.50 per kilogram. Half of it, costs RM 7.35. How about another special "species"? It costs at RM 115 per piece! It's called Musk Melon with tagged "Orange Flesh". I guess, it should be from Japan too.

Rock Melon

Musk Melon

I have seen ginseng anywhere, but i have never see normal packing of fresh ginseng, sold at high price. It is tagged as Korean Fresh Ginseng of 6-year-old, costs at RM 890 per kilogram. There is around quarter of kilogram, costs at RM 238 for 4 pieces. There is also fresh ginseng of 4-year-old, of course, smaller in size and less in nutrient or function.

Fresh Ginseng of 6-year-old

The Korean Peach,

Korean Peach

Korean Peach

White Carrot/ white radish, around the same size of my hand, sold at RM 43.90 per piece.

White Radish/ White Carrot

The Mandarin Orange from Japan, called Japan Mikan, sold at RM 210 per box.

Japan Mikan

If you are looking for high quality food, you can visit this place at different time/ day as you will find lots of new item. Besides the interesting fruit captured here, of course there are a lot more.

Location: Isetan Suria KLCC Food Market
Concourse Floor
Visit their website or brochure of Isetan Foodmarket for further details

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